A web service template written in NodeJS with the Express.js web framework. Downloads a given list of web pages, and returns an array of their pageload latencies in milliseconds. Demonstrates various development best practices, including self-documenting BDD unit tests in Mocha Chai & Expect.js. Continuously Deployed on Heroku ExpressJS with Grunt & Travis CI.
Sample Request
"payload": [
Sample Response
"response": [
"url": "",
"latency_ms": 3210
"url": "",
"latency_ms": 1232
"url": "",
"latency_ms": 315
"url": "",
"latency_ms": 132
Object Diagram
Download node at and install it, if you haven't already.
npm install pageload-timer --save
The Pageload Timer Web Service:
√ Should Return 4 Valid Timing Records Given Sample Request (2802ms)
√ Should Return Single Response Given Single Existing URL (1788ms)
√ Should Return 404 Not Found Given Well-Formed Non-Existing URL (387ms)
√ Should Return 404 Not Found Given Invalid TLD (383ms)
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Invalid Schema
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Invalid MIME Type
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Non-JSON Request
√ Should Return 404 Not Found Given Invalid POST Path
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Missing Request
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Null Request
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Empty JSON Request
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Empty String Request
√ Should Return 400 Parse Error Given Empty Payload
The Test Data:
√ sampleRequest Should Return 4 String Elements
√ Request.isValid Should Return True Given sampleRequest
√ Request.isValid Should Return False Given emptyRequest
√ Response.isValid Should Return True Given sampleResponse
√ Response.isValid Should Return False Given emptyResponse
√ sampleResponse Should Contain Same URLs As sampleRequest
19 passing (5s)
System Internals are documented using JSDoc here.
- async: Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
- body-parser: Node.js body parsing middleware
- express: Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework
- pagelt: Measure time to load a page
- superagent: elegant & feature rich browser / node HTTP with a fluent API
- underscore: JavaScript's functional programming helper library.
- valid-url: URI validation functions
- winston: A multi-transport async logging library for Node.js
- winston-daily-rotate-file: A transport for winston which logs to a rotating file each day.
Dev Dependencies
- accepts: Higher-level content negotiation
- chai: BDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.
- chai-json-schema: Chai plugin for JSON Schema v4
- debug: small debugging utility
- expect.js: BDD style assertions for node and the browser.
- grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
- grunt-contrib-jshint: Validate files with JSHint
- grunt-env: Specify an ENV configuration for future tasks in the chain
- grunt-exec: Grunt task for executing shell commands.
- grunt-jsdoc: Integrates jsdoc3 generation into your Grunt build
- grunt-simple-mocha: A simple wrapper for running tests with Mocha.
- jsdoc: An API documentation generator for JavaScript.
- mocha: simple, flexible, fun test framework
- superagent: elegant & feature rich browser / node HTTP with a fluent API
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